
I grew up in London, Ontario and went to high school in Whitby, Ontario. I’ve been living in the Toronto area since 2013, where I live with my partner, Aileen, and our two rabbits, Robin (left) and Bean (right).

Other than linguistics, some of my interests include reading, playing board and video games, free and open software (GNU/Linux, etc.), and music.


One of my favourite ways to procrastinate is writing code. Most of my day-to-day data analysis is done using R and Python, and I also use Python to write small scripts to make my life easier.

I also really enjoy using Haskell and Rust for personal projects. This site is built using Hakyll, a Haskell library for generating static sites.

You can find my code at GitLab for academic projects and sourcehut for personal projects. I also have a Github account which I use to follow and contribute to open-source projects that are hosted there.

I also set up the websites for Renshin Kendo Dojo and the Linguistics Graduate Course Union (the latter in cooperation with other members of the LGCU’s website committee).


I’ve played the violin since I was little and I love listening to and discovering new music. Over the last couple years I’ve been spending most of my violin time playing Irish traditional music. You can check out my profile on The Session if you’re curious about what I’ve been playing.